
Music Websites

BCPS Rule 6202 on Technology Authorized Use Policy
Students at SPES must only use approved websites while using BCPS technology. Therefore, students may use the following Approved Websites while at school.  Please use these resources at home as well.

Check your grades.
Access Digital Content (BrainPop, Pebble Go, Tumblebooks, Dreambox, 
I-Ready, NBC Learn, Culture Grams, etc.)
Use Instructional Tools (Wixie, ClassFlow, EasyBib, etc.)

Image result for virtual piano
Virtual Piano gives you the experience playing the piano
simply by using the computer keyboard.

Image result for young person's guide to the orchestra

Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra:  Explore, listen and learn about instruments of the orchestra through this interactive web game based around Benjamin Britten’s musical piece.

PBS Kids logo.
Learn about music and play games with your favorite PBS Kids characters!!

Isle of Tunes

A musical sequencer with a twist…build roads with houses, trees, streetlights, and more. Cars can drive past, making music as they go.

Rhythm Trainer

A program for learning and practicing rhythms.


Can you identify the right note? Learn which note lands where on the staff, and click it as fast as you can!