Information and Updates for Parents

Helpful Documents for Parents!

SPES Family Handbook: 2024-2025 Family Handbook.pdf

SPES Cell Phone Policy: 2024-2025 SPES Cell Phone Policy.pdf

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan: 2024-2025 Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan (1).pdf

Check out the latest information and updates from BCPS!                                                         

Families who have a child the receives special education services from the county are invited to join in virtual meetings to meet with leaders and have your voices heard. Follow the link below to access the meeting schedule and get more information. 

Check out our Sandy Plains Elementary School Family Engagement Compact for the 2022-2023 school year:
2022-2023 Family Compact Updated.pdfFamily Engagement Compact Side 1

Family Engagement Compact Side 2
Family Engagement Compact Side 3