Welcome to the SEL Resource Page!!
BCPS Rule 6202 on Technology Authorized Use Policy
Students at SPES must only use approved websites while using BCPS technology. Therefore, students may use the following Approved Websites while at school. Please use these resources at home as well.
Check your grades.
Access Digital Content (BrainPop, Pebble Go, Tumblebooks, Dreambox, I-Ready, NBC Learn, Culture Grams, etc.)
Use Instructional Tools (Wixie, ClassFlow, EasyBib, etc.)
PBS Kids presents this website that contains games that help students understand Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety.
An educational site for kids covering subjects such as history, science, geography, math, and biographies.
Pages are written to be easy to read and understand.
Welcome to Math Playground - Math Games, Logic Puzzles,
Math Videos, and much more!!
Addition Games
Subtraction Games
Multiplication Games
Division Games