Welcome to Sandy Plains

Elementary School:


Home of the Eagles! 

SPES Pledge

I am...
Safe, Organized, Actively Learning, Responsible

"I am SOARing Towards Excellence!!"

Vision Statement
Our vision is to foster positive classroom environments and implement personalized learning opportunities to support all students to become more confident and build perseverance
in order to soar towards excellence.

2023-2024 SPES SPP Snapshot.pdf

Every year, Sandy Plains is striving to better our school and school community. Take a look at our Community School Progress Plan and our goals for this 2023-2024 school year. 

Cada año, Sandy Plains se esfuerza por mejorar nuestra escuela y nuestra comunidad escolar. Eche un vistazo a nuestro Plan de Progreso Escolar Comunitario y nuestras metas para este año escolar 2023-2024.